Vesna's profile
Vesna S

I'm pleased to introduce myself as a dedicated Coachbit Coach with a strong passion for nurturing young minds and helping them realize their full potential. My background as a former educator and mentor has allowed me to witness the incredible impact of a growth mindset on students' lives. Through years of formal education, hands-on coaching experience, and my commitment to self-improvement, I've honed my coaching skills to better serve your child. What truly brings me joy as a Coach is witnessing the remarkable transformations that take place within my students. It's a privilege to guide young minds on their journey of self-discovery and growth. My coaching approach is grounded in values that include empathy, connection, and the cultivation of a growth mindset. I'm dedicated to continuous learning and stay current with the latest research and coaching techniques. I thrive on stepping outside my comfort zone, always seeking new ways to support students effectively. This spirit is captured by my life motto: 'Embrace the Unfamiliar: Where Comfort Ends, Learning Begins.' I look forward to partnering with you and your child to unlock their full potential and embark on a rewarding journey of growth and discovery.

  • Hiking/Camping – As a former Outward Bound instructor; nature is a very important part of my life. I believe in the healing qualities of nature and encourage my students to implement exposure to nature in their daily lives.
  • Music – I have been a music fan for as long as I can remember and I also produce music as a side hobby.
  • Photography – I am an amateur film photographer! Photography is a great way for me to combine the arts with the outdoors.
  • Cycling – As a former cycling instructor, I relish a long bike ride on a nice day. Cycling is a great way to transport yourself while enjoying the outdoors and improving your health.
  • B.A. Social Justice , , University of British Columbia
  • B.A. Social Justice , 2016, University of British Columbia
Team members
Robyn's face
Team Lead

Robyn C

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I am dedicated to nurturing students' growth and fostering their path to success. My aim is to alleviate the challenges parents face while equipping students with skills to become their best selves.

Elizabeth's face

Elizabeth C

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Rapport-building and asking questions are integral to my coaching approach. Only through understanding what hinders students from achieving their goals can we effectively establish healthy habits.

My coaching philosophy is to make learning relatable through my coaching for each student. Every student is unique and deserves tailored teaching that resonates with them, for optimal understanding.

My coaching philosophy centers on embracing open-mindedness and nurturing a growth mindset within students, empowering them to overcome feelings of stagnation, lack of motivation, or discouragement.

As a Coachbit Coach, my coaching philosophy is to actively engage with each student to identify areas for improvement or strengths they wish to enhance, so they can better reach their goals.

Gabriela's face

Gabriela I

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My coaching philosophy is rooted in guiding students to pursue their passions and innate talents. I prioritize building a strong rapport to develop trust and offer a safe, supportive space for growth.

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