Matthew's profile
Matthew C

From my psychology and youth leader background, I've evolved into a results-focused Coachbit Coach. My passion is helping people grow to be the best person they can be. I also value building healthy interpersonal relationships as I know that they’re the foundation of any mentoring. Just like a building, we’re only as strong as our foundations. My biggest and longest-lasting challenge I've been growing through is growing up with ADHD. Through this journey, I’ve had to adapt my learning style and manage my time by building good habits. I’ve held many leadership positions in school and I know that the education journey can be a challenging one, especially if you have a predisposition for attention difficulty. My goal as a coach is to help your child grow and assist you in growing with them. My favorite thing about coaching my students is making a positive difference in their journey. Three of my favorite core values are wisdom, consistency, and growth, which encapsulate my life motto; “Life is a journey, which consists of not one giant leap but rather many small steps”.

  • Gaming – A fair amount of my social interaction with my friends who are in other cities is done through gaming with them.
  • Cycling – I took up going for cycles a few times a week to maintain my cardio fitness.
  • Hiking – I've always enjoyed hiking and the outdoors as this is something my grandfather did frequently.
  • Music – I've always enjoyed creating and recreating music while playing piano, ukulele, and drums.
  • Personal finance because knowledge is power. – As Uncle Ben once said, "With great power comes great responsibility." I thought it only responsible to gain knowledge about my finances.
  • Honours Degree in Psychology, 2019, Nelson Mandela University
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Team Lead

Sydney R

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My coaching philosophy is that everyone deserves to become the best version of themselves. I'm here to help you do just that through trust, teamwork, and open communication.

My coaching philosophy emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, understanding that what suits one student might not suit another. Prioritizing the needs of my students is paramount in my approach.

As a Coachbit Coach my coaching centers on trust, respect, and accountability. I foster a positive, inclusive environment to empower students in realizing their full potential.

Michelle's face

Michelle L

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I’m a former therapist guiding student success as a Coachbit Coach with personalized focus on self-esteem and motivation. My coaching approach is to find solutions for each unique student.

My coaching philosophy is, “The only person you need to be better than is who you were yesterday.” Comparison is the thief of joy, so find and allow the best parts of yourself grow and shine!

With a Bachelor's degree in Theology, I have a passion for students of all ages, helping them grow in all areas of life, and watching them achieve their goals in areas I wish I had help in.

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