Sa-eedah's profile
Sa-eedah T
Team Lead

I started working with young students during the COVID-19 pandemic. I saw firsthand the global lack of efficient systems for students with neurodivergent conditions. This led me to want to make a formative change and help bridge the gap for struggling students, especially those with diverse and unique learning difficulties. Through Coachbit, I have found a platform where I can assist and support many students with ADHD and other forms of neurodivergent conditions. With close to three years of coaching experience, my approach is to utilize my training in foreign languages and cultures to understand my students and their backgrounds, making coaching a fun and life-altering experience.

  • Reading – Literature is my lifeblood and livelihood.
  • Watching football and Formula 1 – Any sport is a lesson in analysis, strategy, endurance, and belief in oneself.
  • Cooking – It's a basic, everyday skill, which allows me to eat great food while applying my creative process and a healthy dose of chemistry!
  • Learning languages – Why stop at only understanding one linguistic faction of the world, when there's so much to learn in the others?
  • Animal-rearing – It's a humbling lesson in patience and observation to work with a creature who cannot communicate with you in any language.
  • BA (Language & Culture), 2019, Stellenbosch University
  • BA Honours (French), 2020, Stellenbosch University
  • Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 2023, The TEFL Academy
Team members
Viktoriia's face

Viktoriia O

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I love to inspire students to view challenges as valuable learning opportunities. Patience, understanding and compassion guide us through. Let’s learn & improve together!

With a rich background in community outreach, building authentic connections is my passion, and I’m excited to bring that same energy to working with you. The future is yours to create!

Jonathan's face

Jonathan L

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I believe in the power of unlocking our maximum potential. I help students attain the mindset necessary for transformative change. Let's start the process together!

Elizabeth's face

Elizabeth M

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Being a dedicated psychology graduate and having a deep passion for helping others become their best, I’ll help you develop skills and habits that will pave your path to academic excellence.

Kimberley's face

Kimberley M

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I enjoy helping my students find their strengths and embrace their creative side through personalized, flexible, and supportive attentiveness. I’m excited to have you aboard!

Riordan's face

Riordan G

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As a former teacher, I understand that every student learns in their own unique way, and I’m committed to finding the best approach to help you succeed in life!

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