Kathryn's profile
Kathryn R

I've spent the last ten years in an academic environment up until the recent completion of my Ph.D. Along the way, I faced first-hand the struggles of lacking self-discipline and motivation. I know what it feels like to be frustrated and feel helpless in my studies. These obstacles forced me to research and learn an array of life and study skills which made the process of learning much smoother. Had I known these sooner in life, I'd have saved myself a lot of wasted time. Some of these skills I learned in other areas of life - my love for triathlon and competitive sports taught me a huge amount about self-discipline and habit formation. I was beyond proud of myself when I crossed the finish line of my first Iron Man in 2021. It was an achievement that was as much about physical health as it was about mental health. As a Coach, it brings me so much joy to stand alongside a child and support them from their first steps in the journey to their metaphorical finish line.

  • BA Honours in History, 2015, University of Cape Town
  • MA Historical Studies , 2017, University of Cape Town
  • PhD in Historical Studies, 2022, University of Cape Town
Team members
Rob's face
Team Lead

Rob L

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I am passionate about helping others develop and empower themselves. I aim to help my students build confidence through my experience in counseling and marital arts!

Chantel's face

Chantel S

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I am a Psychology Masters Graduate, with a year of tutoring experience. I help the curriculum department at Coachbit write and research new and exciting modules for coaching!

My schooling journey could be characterized by high pressure and high performance, but I only unlocked my true potential and passions with a more holistic approach to life. As a former student-athlete, I understand the challenges faced by those with too much on their plates, and I would love to walk alongside them.

Celeste's face

Celeste S

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I believe that the curious minds of the next generation need to be nurtured and guided to reach their full potential. I have tutored students before and am very passionate about working with students to enable them to reach their goals.

Focusing on guiding students in a journey of small yet mighty steps, tailored to their unique personality and skill set. By working hard, I know we can achieve the desired results.

Kristina's face

Kristina S

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I am passionate and dedicated to guiding my students toward success. I love planning trips worldwide, learning new languages, and finding the comedy and joy in daily life!

Want to thrive in life? Start each day by changing one small behavior. I will help you to develop the right lifestyle and study behaviors that are fundamentally important and that are proven to work. With over a year's experience at Coachbit, I have the tools and knowledge to guide you to your full potential.

Want to be a Straight-A student? Start with changing one tiny behavior. With my background in behavioral science, I'll help you build the study habits that matter.

How many core habits and skills is your child missing?

Take our short quiz and find out.

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An array of habit tiles.